Sunday, October 1, 2006


look at this horribly fascinating creature i found in my house:
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have you ever seen anything like this? this is something i thought i would only see in the Amazon (believe me people, i've been there so i know what i'm talkin' about!!!) - but i was wrong!

seriously, i come home from a long day at work, and it's the first thing i see when i walk through the door, sitting calmly on the wall - it measured out to at LEAST 2 inches. no joke. i was so horrified, yet it was so fascinating to stare at at the same time.

initially, i thought we could cohabit peacefully in the same bungalow, but then i saw it crawling around in my personal space and i just couldn't deal. i just couldn't, people!

there is now a nice sploosh of insect guts painted on my wall. bleh.